Преди няколко часа полската дет метъл група Decapitated направи
официално изявление по повод скорошния си арест и предстоящото
съдебно дело.
Всички поети ангажименти, включително и този в България, се
отменят. Предстои организаторът на събитието да обяви
дали Decapitated ще бъдат заменени с друг участник .
Групата се намира в изключително тежък период от кариерата си, след
като на 1 септември във Вашингтон им бе отправено
обвинение в първа степен на отвличане.
Официалното изявление на Decapitated:
“While we are not perfect human beings, we are not kidnappers, rapists, or criminals. As such, we strongly deny the allegations that have recently been brought against us.
We ask that everyone please reserve their judgement until a definitive outcome has been reached, as charges have yet to be pressed. Full testimony and evidence will be presented in due time, and we have faith in that process.
As there is uncertainty regarding a timeline for prospective proceedings and out of respect for fans and promoters, due to the severity of the claims, we have cancelled all planned touring.
All social media platforms have been temporarily disabled as they have been used as destinations for defamatory and malicious remarks. We would like to point out that the statements in the published police report were given prior to an arrest. At that point, no member of the band was aware of an active warrant being issued.”

Mother of THE VOID.
Underground music is the ultimate weapon against mediocrity.