Smyrtonos is a Bulgarian independent black metal
project, betting on the raw and pure sound that we know well
from the years in the very beginning of the genre and the
underground gatherings at Helvete.
To date, the project released three demos and one split
album within a few months.
In the next few lines, I present to you my conversation
with Todorac – the multi-instrumentalist and vocalist behind
Smyrtonos, who lifts the curtain on music and other aspects of his
work and life.
I recommend playing the latest “Old Grieving Ghoul” demo
while reading:
• Tell me a little more about yourself, the man behind Smyrtonos.
My name is Todor, I am an only child, my life until now has
been built only on music and hatred. I have always had a hatred for
people and their degraded value system. I started with music
two years ago, at 14. I found this to be a way to express all of
this. I made numerous attempts to create music with other people,
but it almost never got right (maybe because I was, and still am,
self-taught, haha).
After a while I gave up and finally started on my own. As far
as I can remember, I have quite a lot of unreleased material from
the beginning of 2020 – until December 2020… Well, December 2020, I
had to “stop everything”. And I went to treatment (for
I was 15 at the time. I was in “rehab” for nine months. After a
while they let me have my guitar!
There I discovered about the project “Grausamkeit” – from
German “Cruelty”. And gradually I immersed myself in Andreas’ work.
At one time a girl came… With a synthesizer.. I immediately took
advantage of that and started learning to play. She eventually left
haha, but I continued to create ideas that I used when I got out
sometime in September 2021.
I have been playing guitar for 3 years..? Something like that,
and the other tools max from 4-5 months.
• As I mentioned to you in the previous conversation –
creations like the ones from Smyrtonos are a very pleasant surprise
for the native latitudes. What inspired you to create a project in
this spirit?
Recently it struck me that the Bulgarian underground has died
down! I would say that for me the main priority is to somehow try
to revive, even a little bit, the raw black music in Bulgaria. Of
course, there are active, successful bands that I respect and
enjoy. There are few true connoisseurs, especially now. I have a
feeling that the meaning and message that this genre should convey
is slowly wearing off, and turning into a fashion trend… built on
stereotypical expressions and characters.
• Why “Smyrtonos”?
That’s the fun, lol. The name is like a play on words, it has no real meaning – that is in the dictionary. “Smyrt-o-nos” – “Bringer of Death”. This is a hidden hint for those who think that if the “meaning” of the name is not there in black and white, then it has no real meaning.
• Tell me about the process of making the latest demo, “Old Grieving Ghoul” and the idea behind the demo itself.
The lyrical theme of the demo is based on my experiences, just “filter colored” to fit the background of the genre. The production is different, I try to diversify things with every next demo.
• How would you compare it to the previous two demos?
Nothing more specific… I would say less exposure of keys.. And like I said, experiment with the recording, variety is important to me.
• What are the main concepts lyrically and musically that you rely on in the creation of the project?
The darkness, the fear, the aggression and the substance abuse. It’s all part of the project. The slogan “Never Stop The Madness” is directly related to this. Smyrtonos is not based on deep philosophical themes and questions. I would say.. that it plays a more primitive and primary role mainly in the expression of emotions.
• Do you remember your first contact with black metal as a genre?
Yes, like any listener, I first went through Burzum, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Emperor, Carpathian Forest.. etc.. Then I listened to the more depressive part of the musicians, for example: Nocturnal Depression, Trist, Inferi, Funeral Depression, Wintercult.. Gradually I also learned about the Bulgarian scene, and I was quite impressed. So I dived in and honestly what I liked most was the pure, raw sound that pierced me every time in a pleasant way.
• Are there bands that inspire you and serve as an example to date? Is there a particular scene you feel a particular affinity for?
I’m amazed by B.S.o.D’s projects…And his wife Melse. I would say that for Smyrtonos I mainly took the “Birkabein” project as an example. Otherwise, projects like “Heroin Makes Happy”, “Corneus”, “Wings of Evil”, “Dethroned”… play a role over what I play. The German scene (Saarland/Saarbrücken) inspired me, and continues to so! Not only in the form of black metal, but also kellersynth. And somehow I want this to be heard in Bulgaria as well.
• Are you a fan of a particular philosophy and what place does it find in Smyrtonos?
Misanthropy. Smyrtonos is built entirely on hatred of humans.
• Are there works that inspire you to create? Books, movies, works of art?
Some time ago (2020-2021) I mainly read old war books and they kind of gave me the idea to put the characters’ pain and hatred towards the enemy forces into a raw composition. I’m also a fan of Stephen King and Hitchcock.
• In addition to the three demos so far, Smyrtonos has also released a split album with the Romanian black metal / dungeon synth project Plumb. Tell me more about this dark union.
I’m glad I did this split.. Still, in a scene inspired by the work of B.S.o.D, we are the only projects from Romania and Bulgaria. (neighbors!). We couldn’t help but do this collaboration.
• Are you planning any new collaborations?
I have suggestions, but for now I’m focused on doing solo
• Are there any musicians from the global underground
scene that you would like to collaborate with?
There are no specific projects, I am open to any
• Will we get to see Smyrtonos live or is it planned to remain a studio project?
Smyrtonos will always be a solo studio project, I’ve given up playing live, it’s kind of unnatural for me to play with other people, especially Black metal. It’s more appropriate for me to play alone, so I can best express my thoughts without interference.
• Do you think that the Bulgarian underground is moving and what would be the ideal scenario for the native underground black metal scene ten years from now in your opinion?
I strongly hope for the development of the Bulgarian scene! I’m just starting to give it my all, and I hope it works out! The goal is to bring back the original idea of the genre.
• Within a few months, you release 3 demos and a split album. What is your advice to other musicians, how do you maintain such high productivity?
Desire is the most important thing (stimulants help too! LOL). But I’m just driven by the desire to succeed, and I don’t want to sound clichéd – but I hope to convey some kind of message through my music that everyone who listens will hear in an individual way.
• What are your intentions for Smyrtonos, how far would
you like to go with the project?
For now I’m leaving Smyrtonos and working on other projects,
again Black Metal/Dungeon synth, maybe Ambient work. I will come
back later, but let’s not stop there.
• We come to the main question. Where can we get
cassettes in Bulgaria and around the world?
For now I’m under flag of the Narbentage label – tapes
will be available there. “Okkultes Blut” will release tapes on the
split. LP’s- from the Livor Mortis label. I will sell
CD’s personally!
Thanks to Todorac for taking the time for my dose of
Anyone interested can email him at [email protected] for discs or more information
“from the source”.
The three Smyrtonos demos can be heard on the project’s
BandCamp profile here:
Bonus info from Todorac: “Todorac” is the name of an evil creature from Slavic Mythology.

Mother of THE VOID.
Underground music is the ultimate weapon against mediocrity.
Браво…Желая успех…