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Underground Kvlt - Following the Dark Arts since 2017

ENDSTILLE : „DetoNation“

ENDSTILLE : „DetoNation“
2 от 2EN


After a 10-year hiatus, German black metal band ENDSTILLE returns with their ninth full-length album, ‘DetoNation’!

Traditionally dedicated to the destructive power of war, „DetoNation“ contains nine aggressive anthems of classic raw German black metal in the space of around 47 minutes. Songs, which are undoubtedly particularly highly relevant today.

As  expected – from the very beginning we are witnessing a furious roar and slashing guitars, supported by fast drums that give no time for reflection and directly set the tone for the whole album.
In their typical aggressive style, from the very first track „New World Lethargy“ ENDSTILLE beset the space with fiery fury, and although there is no shortage of atmospheric elements in the instrumental, everything on the record remains pure and strikingly expressive black metal that seems to spit on a soil, drenched with blood.

The second track touches on the subject of the fall of Jericho and the band’s anti-Christian sentiments, which have been definitely missed in the last decade. „Jericho Howls“ continues the emotional whirlwind of the previous track, with the atmosphere continuing to weigh down, delivering obscenely fast drums, furious  chants and frantic vocals sending  the clear message that ENDSTILLE are still not taking any prisoners  and the fight will be fought to the very end…

In the album, the band uses different vocal techniques, and in the third track „Tochnit Aleph“ we can hear for a brief moment ritualistic chants and speech, which inevitably give the record a more majestic and sublime atmosphere. Combined with the explosive traditional heavy vocals of Zingultus, which are highly recognizable throughout, it results in a TNT overload to a dangerous value.

A real eruption follows the minutes after,  as  the essence of the album becomes more and more heated, taking you straight to the trenches among the dust and flying shrapnels. Each piece carries a maddened aggression in rebellion and hatred. Sequential and presented as an inseparable whole, the album tells a story of violence and bloodshed, ending traditionally with a composition entitled „Endstille“ („The Last Silence“), but instead of „Goodbye“ as in its last title before the long hiatus, this time the band humbly whispers Weltkrieg („World War“)…

Without further ado, „DetoNation“ blasts the space and flattens everything in its path. Black metal in Endstille’s trademark aggressive and captivating style, which will undoubtedly be on the AOY list of fans who like bands like Marduk, 1349 and Minenwerfer.

Endstille are back. And they are ready to strike down everything in their path, hating from the bottom of their black heart!



Favorite songs: „Pro Partia Mori“ и „Victorious“!

Към момента  можете да чуете сингъла „Jericho Howls“:



Band: Endstille
Album: „DetoNation“
Release date: 25.o8. 2023
Label: Ván Records
Order link:



2 от 2EN

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