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Voidescent : „Dust and Embers“

Voidescent : „Dust and Embers“
2 от 2EN


„Dust and Embers“ is a particularly fitting title for the debut album by Voidescent –  a Spanish black metal entity that isn’t really new on the horizon, but  recently emerged in their  full force.
The work takes us through a world of destruction and fiery transformation, with each individual song in it representing a true art  in honor of darkness and death, with its energy and magnetism.

Voidescent’s introspective ritualistic melodies make their way to the surface, erupting with deadly fervor and a massive layer of dense and  more orthodox sounding black metal instrumental, stitched together with space tearing shrieks, fast virtuosic guitars, palpable bass and time racing drums. The demonic „Black Crowned Triangle“ kicks off „Dust and Embers“ with its chaotic frenzied energy, making it clear to the listener that what they are about to hear in the next few minutes is completely uncompromising and is here to subdue the mind with its soaring sublime fury.

„Crown the king, kill the Earth! Triangle of revelations where dead titans sleep. The beast that poisons the sky fills the tunnels of maddening geometries…“

And if „Black Crowned Triangle“ already hinted at the sonic brutality Voidescent are capable of, the next song „Crosstunnel Descent“ serves as a testament to the trio’s powerful emotional charge. The piece takes us on a powerful journey along the path of transformation, where despair slowly makes its way to enlightenment and to the revelation of one of the well-kept philosophical secrets, namely – „transformation is where life and death copulate“. And this is definitely the mystical abyss into which the Voidescent dive deep.

In the album’s next four tracks, Voidescent continue to explore the theme of death, suffering, rebirth and the mysteries behind the veil, traversing through the realm of Seth and bringing us up close to the power of the demonic dark forces, undoubtedly sneaking powerful philosophical musings into each one of them, ending with the final „Arcane Enlightenment – The Bone Offering“, which is a massive and all-consuming direct call to the ultimate end and a return to the black and silent Void.

The cover, painted by Vhan Artworks, perfectly describes the aural catharsis you can witness during Voidescent’s six mystical, death-scented tracks and their nihilistic nature.

Mystical and mesmerizing with its manic appeals and massive philosophical statements, „Dust and Embers“ is a comprehensive account of the worship of death and the ephemeral nature of human existence. A deep journey through the  dust and embers of the afterlife, presented through the prism of black metal and the distinctive transcendental atmospheres of Voidescent.



Score: 9/10




Band: Voidescent
Album: „Dust and Embers“
Release date: October 13th, 2023
Label: Avantgarde Music
Order & listen the full album at :








2 от 2EN

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