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Funeral Fullmoon § Nocturnal Prayer: „Disciples of the Moonlight Worship“

Funeral Fullmoon § Nocturnal Prayer: „Disciples of the Moonlight Worship“
2 от 2EN


The cold and melancholic soundscapes in black metal are definitely absolute magic, and when they come from cult scenes like Chile and Canada, under the veil of one split title, the experience borders with  wandering through the dark woods under the moonlight, surrounded by the just awakened nocturnal creatures.

With that said, two huge underground forces – Chilean black metal project Funeral Fullmoon and Canada’s Nocturnal Prayer have united their primal worship of magic and the night under the joint split title “Disciples of the Moonlight Worship”.
In it, Funeral Fullmoon performs four and Nocturnal Prayer – three tracks, dedicated entirely to the secrets of darkness and the magic of the night, and although the different approach to songwriting of the individual formations can be felt, the title feels like an inseparable whole and represents to the listener strong and haunting melodies.

Pressing the play button, „The Gates of Majestic Darkness“ by Funeral Fullmoon begins. Beautiful ice-cold riffs and sound of thunder blast through the space, followed by Magister Nihilfer Vendetta 218’s authentic sharp haunting vocals. The title’s lo-fi atmosphere, organic drums and high-pitched screams directly grab the ear, play with the mind and lead you through a devastating melancholic winter night in the woods . Totally ’90s, the track sets the tone for the magic we’re about to hear on ‘Disciples of the Moonlight Worship’.

The remaining three tracks of the Chileans are in no way inferior to the first, except perhaps in length, and following the already laid foundation of fast cold riffs, vicious vocals and primal energy, pass in one breath and leave you with the nocturnal mirages . At the end, Funeral Fullmoon also present a cover of Emperor’s „Lord of the Storms“, which is performed in a truly captivating and authentic way.

After the subduing side of Funeral Fullmoon,  the eerie spells of Nocturnal Prayer arrive.
While the drums and guitars attack the hearing in the foreground, the muffled screams of Murder float in the background, which carry a specific charge already in the first track „Grand Celestial Summoning“.
In addition to his recognizable vocals, the musician uses different guitar techniques, not limited to  tremolo and plays with more playful riffs in places, which is strongly reminiscent of the performances of a number of artists from the beginning of the creation of the genre.
Raw-sounding and unwavering in speed and ferocious temperament, the three tracks by  Nocturnal Prayer are aggressive and all about obsessive energy, in contrast to the more palpable melancholy of the first tracks on the Funeral Fullmoon part.
At the end of  his  musical journey, Nocturnal Prayer presents a cover of Satanic Warmaster’s „My Kingdom of Darkness“ – a particularly fitting end to the subjugating tunes.

„Disciples of the Moonlight Worship“ is an ethereal, melancholic and at times downright sadistic album about the majesty of the night and the secrets hidden under the veil of the black firmament. Authentic and raw, the performances of both groups lead us into their wandering tale of the enchanted woods and the hungry beasts lurking through its opaque dark corners…



Score: 9/10


Bands: Funeral Fullmoon и Nocturnal Prayer
Album: „Disciples of the Moonlight Worship“
Label: Inferna Profundus Records
Release date: 06.11. 2023
Listen & order here:




2 от 2EN

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