KYPRIAN’S CIRCLE : „Noitatulen vartija“

2 от 2EN


We can talk about KYPRIAN’S CIRCLE for hours – this is one of the interesting and truly magical names in the Finnish black metal scene that I will never tire of researching,  rediscovering & listening to. The name is intended as a symbol of the ritualistic and magical sphere of existence, with Kyprian himself admitting that he has always been fascinated by witchcraft, mysticism, darkness and all the creatures of the night.
His creativity from the very beginning is a pure expression that does not respect specific frameworks and gives complete freedom to the artistic mind. The musician himself, like Varg Vikernes, denies that his music falls into the “black metal” category, describing it as dark metal, as “something mystical and evil, dark and cold, like something unheard before”.
And just a few minutes of any of KYPRIAN’S CIRCLE’s released records is enough to feel what it is all about – something authentic, ancient, beautiful, melodic and filling your whole being with a mystical energy as if it had just come out of a crypt hidden in the forest.
“Noitatulen vartija”, the project’s last record since 1999, features bassist Sammy Roiha of Sound Ateljee studios, with whom Kyprian has a long-standing friendship, with guest appearances from Abyssin on drums and Nazgul on vocals, alongside Toni Raehalme, who lends new shades of music with his pianos. In 2018, this EP was reissued by Werewolf Records, and if you’re lucky, you might still be able to get your hands on it.
In the space of around 19 minutes, KYPRIAN’S CIRCLE envelops us in its mysticism and takes us through a classic melodic black metal work filled with elements of the best – cold mesmerizing riffs, classic high-pitched black metal vocals and a ritualistic, even slightly folklore mid-paced atmosphere that makes you feel like you’re witnessing a pagan offering.
“Keeper of the Hexfire”, as the title translates, is aural magic, and as the record cover artwork might suggest, you’re about to experience nothing less than an all-consuming dark ritual.
Starting with the short intro “Ikiyön liekit” with a folk fascinating melody and drum beats breaking through here and there, the album immediately draws in its ethereal and distant atmosphere, and in the next track “Kun puhui myrskyn henki” the sinking becomes all but inevitable. Acoustic melodic guitars smoothly collide with traditional mind-blowing black metal vocals, surrounded soon after by chilling riffs and beautifully played drums accented by soaring pianos creating a unique midnight ethereal atmosphere. Towards the end, the track speeds up and brings out a colder and more classical side of the project…only to return to the initial mesmerizing melody, final spoken words and keyboards. I remember the moment I heard the track for the first time about 15 years ago on this date, and I can quite categorically say that it is no less memorable than a track  of  some of  the Burzum’s classics. It’s just one of those hidden underground treasures that only reaches the ears of a handful of specific listeners.
And while the motif of these opening tracks continues throughout the album and carries the melody forward, the next three parts of the ritual – “Noitatulen vartija”, “Helvetin pajassa on miekkamme taottu” and “Kuolemasi minä olen” – are betting on this raw and pure atmosphere, as the vocals – erupting and even more emotionally charged,  create a primal and haunting soundscape,  although short in duration,  in my opinion (always need more of this).
If you like the early records of Burzum, Nargaroth and Noenum, then you will definitely fall in love with “Noitatulen vartija” (and all other KYPRIAN’S CIRCLE works).
Beautiful isntrument parts, always complimenting one another very effectively, numerous curious elements to discover in each of the tracks, ominous, dominating and space-ripping malicious screams echoing in the mind with strong lyrics – all this happens within these 19 minutes of bliss dedicated to the dark hours, the true ancient magic and the fight against religious dogma. Classic and absolutely authentic Finnish black metal!



“Ja loputtoman tuhon.
Ei auta rukous Jumalan pojan,
Käy tiimanne vähiin.
Miekan iskumme
Kristuksen karitsain valkoisiin kauloihin
Joutuivat kansat vapahtajan
Nyt vietäviksi mustan myrskyn

(Jää merkki ikuinen hakattuna kiveen, kun mursimme Kristuksen heikkouden kahleen)”


Score: 11/10 (timeless classic)



Listen to „Noitatulen vartija“ below:


(The new 2018’s album artwork)


2 от 2EN

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1 year ago

Невероятно ревю.Направо обрисува музиката с думи.
Поздравления за което.Също и по този начин даваш шанс на младите да открият диамантите в музиката които са се появили преди няколко зими…
Тъй близки за нас…Но и тъй далечни за мнозина…