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Underground Kvlt - Following the Dark Arts since 2017

SYN : „Villfarelse“

SYN : „Villfarelse“
2 от 2EN


„Villfarelse“ (I think  the title translates as „delusion“) is the debut full-length album from newly formed Norwegian black metal band SYN, out today via the mighty Terratur Possessions.
Fully immersed in the tradition of the 90s, the debut is stretched between the old-school sound of early Ulver and the melting atmosphere of Vemod, adding to them a specific note of aggression and melodicity. From the very beginning of the record it is clear that this is quality Norwegian black metal that will leave a mark in the minds of connoisseurs of the genre.
With the first track, „Daudatale“, there are memorable cold riffs that carry the ear to hushed ominous vocals lurking around fast drums. The lo-fi vibe of the vocals combined with the cleaner production of the instruments is very enjoyable to experience and quickly draws the attention to it. Several vocal performances lurk in the continuation of the song, giving a special nuance to each of its parts – you will hear both high-pitched classic vocals and growling obsessive screams, and at the very end of the song you will also enjoy clean vocals reminiscent of  the old tapes of  „Bergtatt – Et Eeventyr i 5 Capitler“ and other influential works of Art.
With this piece, SYN create an atmosphere that leaves you floating in space in the old-school way – the kind that conjures up images of cold winter forests and log fires.
And it’s immediately clear to me why the band used one of Theodor Kittelsen’s paintings, „The Ash Lad and the Dragon“ for their cover artwork –  there’s simply no better symbolism for a return to the mid-90s than the work of the Norwegian artist, who grew into a real cult in these circles over the years. Smart move. Ever since I became familiar with the artist’s work I have always found this particular painting interesting and I wonder what symbolism the band is  putting into it and why they chose it among all of the other paintings,  but I will find out maybe at a later stage in time (I admit, my curiosity is screaming ).
Throughout its duration, the album ferociously stokes the flames of days gone by, taking us through vigorous and furious black metal tracks, emotionally charged and ready to tear the flesh apart with its arsenal of 90’s frost, creeping melancholy and heartfelt wrath. The vocals at some moments are so captivating that they usurp the entire aural space and create an extremely heated atmosphere, while at others they border on the ritualistic or indulge in their atmospheric undertones with their cleaner and ethereal appeals.
The variety of vocal demonstrations, all  the memorable riffs, the excellent performance of the individual instruments and the specific production of the album make it a notable title in the sea of new music, without a doubt.
With a total of nine chapters, the „Villfarelse“ adventure erupts furiously into space and leads enticingly into ominous atmospheres where only the brave manage to survive until the end. Intense and direct, SYN do not hesitate to drag the listener through their midnight dreams and recreate cold sonic hallucinations through every riff and cutting howl.  A dream by the fire can be as dangerous, as fascinating… Come closer, traveler.







Score: 10/10



Hear „Villfarelse“ down below:


Band:  SYN
Album: „Villfarelse“ 
Release date: December 5th, 2023
Label: Terratur Possessions
Order link:




2 от 2EN

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