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HULDER : „Verses In Oath“

HULDER : „Verses In Oath“
2 от 2EN


American black metal has always been an interesting area to explore, with solo projects imbued with a particular primal and ferocious energy being of particular interest. It can be said that this element of the underground scene is among the most authentic manifestations of metal, and its representatives have begun to activate their forces more and more in recent years. A new era has been launched on a global scale for the black metal genre in the last seven years or so, with new artists from various parts of the States being among the most active representatives of the new wave, combining old school with the fresh blood of the new century.

And somewhere out there, in the woods of Olympia, Washington, ventures Hulder – the musical offspring of Belgian-born Marliese Beeuwsaert, whose atmosphere for six years now presents captivating and cryptic old-school soundscapes that, while never strictly categorizable to a specific scene, carry a sense of old evil, medieval ruins and secret dungeons.

„Verses In Oath“ – the second full-length work of the project, is no exception to this already established tradition. With the title, Hulder continues to deliver what the musician strived for since day one – quality black metal infused with ambient elements that authentically take listeners back to the beginnings of the genre’s birth and the beautiful more symphonic and raw performances, blasting an enormous energy of darkness, cold, sublimity, power and many other highly intense emotions. While a huge number of musicians are currently striving to create new subgenres and decorate their music with innovative ideas, Hulder fully honors tradition and immerses in the magic of the primal charge.

The crow is screaming , and a freezing wind tries to drown out its shrill calls, soaring freely through the trees of the cold-encircled winter forest. Thus, the intro „An Elegy“ sets the tone for the atmosphere of „Verses In Oath“.
Harsh guitars sound in the spirit of the Scandinavian black metal tradition, soon met by Hulder’s powerful vocals, uttering fierce incantations. Ambient medieval elements and ethereal acoustics surround the rhythmic instrumental, momentarily managing to transport the mind centuries back, among abandoned inaccessible ruins. In the song „Boughts Ablaze“ you can also hear the ethereal harmonic singing of the artist, which gives a special nuance to the record and makes it even more varied and interesting to listen to. The same vocal theme remains on „Hearken The End“ where the clean chants continue, replaced suddenly by Hulder’s  harsh calls and exquisite flesh-piercing lead guitars.

Along the duration of the album’s ten anthems, you can hear traditional black metal without twists and unneded escapes from the boundaries of the genre, as Hulder traditionally aims for a specific sound, namely: raw as in the old records, but with a bit more brutal production than usual for those years. On the album you will be able to enjoy Marliese’s  obsessive growl, fast guitars and ethereal cold synths, ambient sounds, fast drums and interestingly played bass, the latter again being the work of session musicians Necreon and CK, as the fusion of musical visions seems to lead to even better results over time. There are no shortage of surprises, among them Hulder’s decidedly clean harmony vocals. A special highlight, in my opinion, is precisely the sixth song „The Offering“, which conveys the atmosphere of a folklore ritual – enchanting clean vocals float in space against the background of rhythmic drums, enchanting pianos and acoustic guitars. A true sacrament, leading to eras back into mystical spaces hidden from the choir’s eye.

As for the production of the album… it deserves a separate thread as many of you will probably immediately notice who stands behind it – none other than Ahti Kortelainen of Finnish studio Tico Tico Studios, who produced the crations of bands like … And Oceans, Barathrum, Belial, Impaled Nazarene (their cult albums until 98!) and Moonsorrow. I’m sure you’ll feel his bloodthirsty approach here as well, and combined with Hulder’s natural charge, a captivating dark symbiosis occurs.

With piercing fury and energy rooted in old traditions, ‘Verses In Oath’ takes you through ancient forests filled with magic and sharpened swords glinting under the beckoning moonlight. Simultaneously raw and ethereal, the album delights the listener with its variety of tempos, techniques and, last but not least, with its authenticity and strong manifestation. In case you’ve forgotten what it’s like to walk through ancient ruins at dusk, Hulder’s new work will remind you of that dark idyll with ease.






You can hear some of the tracks from the album:



Album: „Verses In Oath“
Band: Hulder
Label: 20 Buck Spin
Release date: February 9th, 2024


2 от 2EN

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Брутално ревю,харесвам този стил на писане да го наречем „поетично горски“.
А,че проекта си заслужава е ясно поне на нас които дълбаем ли…дълбаем,че достигаме до недрата на тихият приглушен ужас тъй кротко стаен в горската шир на безкрая и в притихналата лудост на сумрачната стая приютила Боговете които ни напътстват в нашето вътрешно АЗ…

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