Herfstdood : “Lijdensweg”

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The one-man Dutch post-black metal project Herfstdood is one of those acts that create a dense wall of atmospheric layers and include not just well-played metal, but also manage to create ethereal sound spaces that take the listener to another dimension.
Herfstdood’s debut full-length album is called “Lijdensweg” and will be released on February 10th via SneeuwStorm Produkties (CD and digital formatl) and The Shrouded Winter (audiocassette). And although it was originally conceived as an atmospheric black metal record, the album subsequently acquired many other colors that led the multi-instrumentalist A. to the desired result, different from the traditional sound of the genre.
The entire album was initially recorded in the form of an atmospheric black metal record, with the musician eventually deciding to re-record the album entirely with a much more shoegaze-sounding approach compared to these earlier tracks. While A.’s projects like Duister Maanlicht don’t stray far from the sound of second-wave black metal, Herfstdood explores other avenues, with the new title inspired by the work of bands like Turnover (“Peripheral Vision”), Whirr and Holy Fawn, as well , of course – by A.’s almost two decades of  experience in the field of black metal.
From the very first seconds of “Alles Wat Uit Onze Handen Is” the listener is enveloped by weightless ethereal riffs, quickly transitioning into harsher atmospheric guitars and fast drums, following a beautiful melody that manages to implant itself in the mind without any effort. Emotionally charged vocals are added to the melodic extravaganza of sounds, resulting in a raw and nostalgic record steeped in melancholy. And while there are definitely atmospheric black metal elements to the track, you’ll feel a shoegaze dreaminess and structures, and the combination of the two is highly impactful and inspiring.
The musical theme in the remaining six tracks of the album is similar – each of them radiates calmness, resignation, beauty. And while the album’s lyrical themes are provocative and filled with themes about the weights of life (the album title itself translates as”Agony”), the music itself sounds charming and carries a sense of lightness.
The very symbiosis between raw drums, vocals and guitars with ethereal reverberations and shoegaze elements, creating an atmosphere of frozen forests and fascinating dreams, is captivating.
With that said, “Lijdensweg” is a sweeping debut, steeped in strong atmospheric moments, a raw instrumental part and undoubtedly, an immersive emotional charge that makes you dive into your own thoughts. In case you’re looking for music to walk you through beautiful and wistful spaces, this offspring of Herfstdood will take you there with ease.


You can listen to the track  “Alles Wat Uit Onze Handen Is”:

(the full album will be out tomorrow)



Album: “Lijdensweg”
Band: Herfstdood
Release Date: 10-ти февруари, 2024-та
Label: SneeuwStorm Produkties и The Shrouded Winter
Order: https://bit.ly/42BYEAE


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