Listen to ‘Черна мъст (Dark Retribution)’, the debut album of МРАКОБЕС

04.Sep.2024 | 9:00

The Bulgarian folk/black metal project МРАКОБЕС (Mrakobes) has released its debut full-length album, “Черна мъст (Dark Retribution)”. For now, the album is being distributed independently, and you can support the artist at the following link:

МРАКОБЕС is a solo project by Nikolay Stefanov. A band under the same name existed in the first half of the 2000s, but their style was purely black metal, influenced by Immortal. One of their songs was included in the compilation “The Garden of the Misanthrope” by the label Little Norway Production in 2004.

In 2012, Nikolay  revived the project with a different stylistic orientation – folk metal with elements of extreme metal, merging interesting combinations of folk and heavier metal instrumentation, accompanied by clean and heavy vocals, with lyrics predominantly in Bulgarian.

In 2018, an album under the project’s name, “Ember Dance”, was released, featuring a sound quite different from the current album, with deathcore vocals, followed by an EP, “Въглен и жар (Ember and Ash)” in 2020.

“Ч​е​р​н​а м​ъ​с​т (Dark Retribution)” can be considered МРАКОБЕС’ debut full-length album, as it is the first album by the artist where the black metal feeling predominates in a purer and more authentic form, carrying the true essence of the project’s name and its creative energy.



1.Гробът на стария бог (Tomb of the Old God) 07:38
2.Черна мъст (Dark Retribution) 06:04
3.Седем храма на змията (Seven Temples of the Snake) 05:15
4.От баща на сина (From Father to Son) 06:34
5.Трима братя (Three Brothers) 04:38
6.Празен ме чака студеният гроб (The Cold Empty Grave Awaits Me) 05:36
7.Бездната на неродените сенки (The Abyss of Unborn Shadows) 05:21




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