Cumber y Abismo has unleashed their new demo, “Círculo de Silencios y de Tinieblas”

The Argentinian black metal band Cumber y Abismo has unleashed their new demo, “Círculo de Silencios y de Tinieblas.” Raw, unfiltered, and deeply evocative, this latest offering is a visceral plunge into the abyss. With an uncompromising underground ethos, the five musicians behind Cumber y Abismo deliver a haunting and nihilistic work of art that embodies the essence of raw black metal with black ‘n’ roll influences.

“He knew he was a thief. But the category in which he was placed didn’t matter to him. Perhaps the word ‘thief’ didn’t align with his inner state. There was another feeling, and that was a circular silence that pressed into him like a steel cylinder in the mass of his skull, leaving him deaf to everything unrelated to his own misery.
This circle of silence and darkness broke the continuity of his thoughts, so much so that Erdosain could not connect, in the decline of his reasoning, his home, which he called a house, with an institution referred to as a prison.
He thought in telegraphic fragments, omitting prepositions, which was exhausting. He experienced dead hours in which he could have committed a crime of any kind without the faintest sense of responsibility. Naturally, a judge would not have understood such a phenomenon. But he was already empty, a shell of a man propelled by the automatism of habit.”

This preserves the depth and flow of Roberto Arlt’s original prose – the main influence behind the album.
All recordings took place between the months of October and November in the band’s rehearsal room and were done by Laureano ‘Pocho’ Marenco.
Pre-mix was crafted by Pocho, while mixing and mastering – by Martín Capelli.
The cover artwork is a painting by Franka Echeverría, while the design and layout is by Cumbre y Abismo.

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1.Intro 01:00
2.Entretenimiento 03:24
3.El idiota 02:48
4.Nakba 05:28
5.Cadenas 00:20
6.La derrota 03:46
7.Espectáculo de horror 05:20



Have a good listen below:

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1 month ago

Thanks for share!