Polish black metal band Zdrada Iskariota
(“Iskariot’s betrayal”) has unleashed their debut EP record,
Upadły tryumfator.
In their debut, the dark legion unleashes an unbridled torrent of
raw, untamed energy, channeling the profound darkness of fiery
chasms and celebrating the cathartic rebirth forged within their
consuming flames.

1.Intro 00:48
2.Odrodzeni w płomieniach 04:35
3.Kielich pełen żółci 02:45
4.Piekielny legion 04:17
5.Lament potępionych 05:48
6.Upadły tryumfator 03:56
7.Outro 01:22
Listen to the album below:
Destruktor – Vocals
Axe Abominator – Guitars
Void – Drums
Goat Conjurer – Bass, Backing Vocals
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