Paula Fazlich (Morthriel)
Founder and currently sole author at The Void Journal.
Bloody cheers to whoever invented factor 50+ sunscreen…
♆ I’ve been listening to black metal since : 1997 or 1998, can’t remember exactly. My family has always listened to quality music, but I discovered black metal in this period thanks to a gift from a friend – a cassette of Darkthrone. And from that moment on the genre became my biggest passion. I started looking for bands on my own and growing more and more unknown titles. Seeking out and sharing music has become a bit like breathing with time – if I’m not doing it, then I’m not truly alive.The first band I discovered on my own and fell in love with was Blut Aus Nord.
♆ I like: Good black coffee, sarcasm, self-irony, nihilistic jokes, down-to-earth and real people, haunting music, the sound of bagpipes, axolotls , cave olm, succulents, walks in nature, books and movies with deep character and beautiful cinematography, monochrome images, walking and spending time in beautiful cemetery parks, rain, art, darkness, light, old gothic architecture, etc. There are many fascinating and strange things in the world to fall in love with…and my eyes, mind, heart and teeth are always tingling in anticipation for them.
♆ I dislike: Fitting into frames; low manifestations of the human species such as lust for fame and prestige, stupidity, falsehood, envy, mediocrity, etc. ; metal without beautiful harsh vocals; small talks; social media; the midday sun; politicians; religion; the Bulgarian government system and the lack of engagement of society with its own problems; people who have achieved nothing in life on their own but have high self-esteem; imitators who do not pay homage to the original; the fact that there are still a lot of people who live without shelter and food; giving access to weapons to unstable people who do not realize the responsibility they bear; stale blood, etc.
♆ 10 favourite books: All books written in honour of black metal by Dayal Patterson (they will always have a good place in my library) ; all H.P. Lovecraft’s works such as ‘Shadow Over Innsmouth’, ‘The Mountains of Madness’, ‘The Call of Cthulhu’ and ‘Dagon’ are among the most inspiring to me, and the ‘Necronomicon’ collection seems to be my favourite ; Clive Barker’s ‘Scarlet Gospels’, along with all the volumes of the ‘Books of Blood’ by the same author (Barker has other interesting works besides these that I also like to reread); Stephen King’s ‘Salem’s Lot’ (and almost all of his other works); J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series; ‘The Murders on Morgue Street’ by Edgar Allan Poe, along with all his other works; ‘Dragon Tears’ by Dean Koontz; ‘In the Miso Soup’ by Ryū Murakami ; ‘Chernobyl Prayer’ by Svetlana Alexievich; ‘Blood of the Dragon’ by George R. Р. Martin, along with his other lesser-known works from the ‘Song of Fire and Ice’ universe; the five novels of the ‘Gargantua and Pantagruel’ series by François Rabelais; the books of the “Галактика” collection were also very interesting to me at the time, and I still go back to some authors like Douglas Adams and his ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’; … and many others. I love to read – mostly horror, fantasy and science fiction, folklore tales, sometimes crime novels , poetry and gamebooks.
♆ 10 favourite screen titles: “Santa Sangre”,
“Stranger Things,” “Mulholland Drive,” “Split,” “Twin Peaks,” “The
Adams Family” (all versions, including the new screen adaptation of
“Wednesday”), “The Munsters”, “Sleepy Hollow,” “Dagon.”
“Hellraiser” (all films in the series except the last one from
2022), “From”, “The Matrix”, “Blade Runner”, “House of The Dragon”
, “Game of Thrones”, “The Polar Bear King”, “Rehepapp ehk
November”, etc.
In truth, I don’t have absolute favourites – I come across
interesting stuff all the time, I even have my own movie title app.
Mostly I like work that involves the names of Tim Burton, David
Lynch, Stephen King or Clive Barker, as well as older and ‘weirder’
cinema treasures, but I’m definitely open to new titles and
♆ 10 favourite bands: Blut Aus Nord,
Darkthrone, Drudkh, Castrum, Embraced, Alrakis, Kyprian’s Circle,
Tomb Of Time, Wolves in the Throne Room, Lycia, Darkher, The Great
Old Ones, ISON, 13th Temple, Agalloch, Thorr’s Hammer, Urfaust,
Merrimack, Mortuus Umbra, Svartidaudi,Mephorash, Kraken Duumvirate,
Thy Darkened Shade , The Ruins Of Beverast, Darvaza, Kaosritual,
One Tail One Head, Black Majesty, Mānbryne and many more.
I don’t have a list of absolute favorites – I listen to good music
almost 24/7 and appreciate every good track on my playlists, always
with preference for bands from my favorite genre – black metal ,
with a particular affinity for the Balkan, Ukrainian,
Norwegian , French, Icelandic, Chilean and Finnish scene.
♆ Hobbies: I am a very spiritual person (as the
Luciferian tradition dictates) and I am constantly increasing my
list of knowledge and skills in every aspect of life.
With that said, I have many hobbies, perhaps the greatest of which
is fine art, which I have been involved with since childhood.
You can view some of my artwork on instagram:
All other links you may find here: