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NECROWRETCH : „Swords of Dajjal“

NECROWRETCH : „Swords of Dajjal“
2 от 2EN


„Swords of Dajjal“ is probably the most special title in the musical career of the French NECROWRETCH to date, and for me personally it turned out to be a particularly pleasant surprise, because I did not expect such a harsh and consistent black metal sound from a band that for so many years mainly of grind and death metal elements in their works. For me, this album is proof that music should be approached with an open mind and is among those titles that are motivation for new music hunters and true underground music lovers.

All the songs on the album were composed and written on purpose on acoustic 12-string guitars, and the idea of the musicians was that if they sound good that way, then they will sound even better with distortion (we share the same opinion on this matter). „Swords of Dajjal“ is the most pronounced black metal work they’ve ever done, with sprinklings of death metal here and there. It’s also important to mention that this is the first album where the band spent more time than usual recording and working on the sound – three years, which is far more than the work on previous titles. And when we talk about the lyrical context, things get even more fascinating…

The lyrics focus on the Dajjal, representing the Antichrist in the Muslim religion. The Quran says that he will appear as a false prophet to bring destruction to this world with his army of demons coming from the east. Featured on the album cover with his double-edged sword and bathed in the same kind of mesmerizing reddish and orange lights one might experience as the sun sets in windswept deserts, Dajjal is the main protagonist in all eight of the album’s songs, which represent prophecies of the past and the future. Charming, isn’t it?

With that said, don’t expect to get the traditional dose of what you know from the NECROWRETCH camp in „Swords of Dajjal“. In the darkness, something unknown will lure you, many times more sinister, cold and empowering than before. Spmething that will get under the skin of any avid black metal fan and make their heart throb to the rhythm of the uncompromising horde flying over the sand dunes with speed, agility and conquering malice.

Starting with a cold tremolo, „Ksar Al-Kufar“ gradually devours  the space with intense harsh  vocals that almost instantly conquer with their emotional charge and sound like a demonic call. And past the charmingly eerie atmosphere, death metal solos creep in here and there, diversifying the cutting massive attack. There are catchy riffs and memorable melodies that make you want to replay individual moments and drift into the sound again and again.
I don’t know where that aggressive and deeper side of NECROWRETCH has been kept until now, but I sure like it coming out. This is definitely the band’s most well thought out work to date, with Vlad’s vocals taken to a whole new level from before, fully immersed in the tar colors of black metal.

The second track from the album  – „The Fifth Door“ , starts with a furious cold black metal instrumental and fierce calls – demonic, passionate, suffocating. High class black metal that makes your skin crawl in seconds. I’m beginning to question whether the band members may have sold their souls to make this album… and if the answer is yes, it was definitely worth it. The satanic expression intertwined with a subtle oriental rhythm in this piece is a pleasure for all the senses.

The immersive atmosphere doesn’t stop there, of course. Each of the remaining six tracks carries the same worked-out classic atmosphere in the spirit of Dissection and Necrophobic, which can melt any barriers placed. The compositions are original and memorable, and the production – polished to perfection, with each of the instruments having their moment in the foreground and merging with the rest of the song quite organically and captivatingly.

Drifting through the hearing like an ominous desert storm with torn flesh flying through the dusty air, Swords of Dajjal with its eight searing anthems is among the titles that will have you listening in rapture and deliver a unique showcase of black metal with death metal elements coming directly from underground cores. Thirsty for blood, thirsty for devastation…

The immersive atmosphere doesn’t stop there, of course. Each of the remaining six tracks carries the same quality classic atmosphere in the spirit of Dissection and Necrophobic, which can melt any barriers placed. The compositions are original and memorable, and the production – polished to perfection, with each of the instruments having their moment in the foreground and merging with the rest of the song quite organically and captivatingly, with no shortage of surprises… like traditional Mongolian throat singing, for example.

Drifting through the hearing like an ominous desert storm with torn flesh flying through the dusty wind, „Swords of Dajjal“ with its eight searing anthems is among the titles that will have you listening in rapture and deliver a unique showcase of black metal with death metal elements coming directly from the blazing cores. Thirsty for blood, thirsty for devastation…


„I shall speak no more
The reckoning draws near
For when your time comes
You shall see and hear
Une dernière prophétie – Qui scellera votre sort
Arrête ! C’est ici… l’Empire de la Mort“




Favorite song: „The Fifth Door“ 



Listen to the already revealed songs from the album below:

Album: „Swords of Dajjal“
Release Date: February 2nd, 2024
Label: Season of Mist Underground Activists


2 от 2EN

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