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BLACK CRUCIFIXION : „The Fallen One of Flames“ (1992)

BLACK CRUCIFIXION : „The Fallen One of Flames“ (1992)
2 от 2EN


BLACK CRUCIFIXION is a Finnish black/doom metal band whose sound is quite recognizable in the sea of new records in the genre and carries the oldschool energy of bands like Beherit and Barathrum. Especially when it comes to their first records, the magic in their music is highly palpable and captivating.

„The Fallen One of Flames“ is the band’s first demo – it was  released in 1992, being among the first more demonic records, figuratively speaking, that I was exposed to when I was learning more about black metal. Its intro is occult, ritualistic, with an ominous atmosphere and reminiscent of the artistic incantations of Hexentanz and other similar artists devoted to the black flame, drawing you instantly into the gates of hell.

Ethereal vocals and shimmering guitars dance their way through the opening of the album’s second track, „Flowing Downwards“, as a suddenly massive and majestic wall of drums, bass, and more distorted guitars descends upon the ear, swirling into a searing melody, which makes you instantly forget about time and space. Somber whispers float among the instruments, engulfing them fully in the song’s atmosphere of ritualistic magic.
It was around this track (and album) that I became very impressed with whispers  in black metal and in general, and I adore  them  on a music album – they just add a texture and depth that can’t be achieved with a high-pitched harsh vocal or growl.
True to its name, the song makes you spiral down into your inner world, and it’s a beautiful experience. The very  lyrics  whispered in it are  precisely such, in honor of the elevation and awakening of the higher power of  consciousness.

„There are seven keys, to the great silvery gate
Seven doors to the holy domain of mind
As I’m reaching for a godship, I descend down to dreams
I’m inside my mind, but not alone the spirits, we’re dancing in the dark

Flowing downwards…

I’m a god now, and the slaves shall serve
Fuck your herd conformity, the noble shall rule
I’m a brother of the sun, give wisdom with my shining
Thou hast to do what thou hast to do, then we shall be dancing in the light

Flowing downwards…“

The next song „Master Spirit“ is much more lively – in it we can already hear harsher vocals, although the tendency of whispering is preserved, the rhythm is faster, the drums are already being used much more severely. The guitar lines and the two basses, especially the one bass line and the subtle keyboards, add a very nice accent, which is noticeable against the background of the monstrous drumming … and a whirlwind is created that manages to completely fascinate your senses. And although relatively shorter than the previous track, the song is wild, rebellious and reflects the provocative spirit of the title.

„I descend to another world
Another dimension
Rise master spirit
Rise ghost of hell“ 

Continuing the chaotic trend of „Master Spirit“ but also borrowing from the charm of „Flowing Downwards“, „Goddess of Doom“ – the last track of the album, maneuvers between the tempos and adds a definite dark shade at the end of the adventure „The Fallen One of Flames“ , also leaving a certain apocalyptic flavor, complemented by the short outro.

„The Fallen One of Flames“ is a traditional 90’s black/doom metal demo that can not only give you a dose of bygone days melancholy in case you need it, but also give you that raw and unpolished production , which sincerely pleases the ear. With its bass on the front line, some specific leads, the strong keyboards and the drums of the aptly named Sodomatic Slaughter, who you can’t help but recognize from Beherit, the demo is an impressive debut for Black Crucifixion. Pure legacy.



You can listen to the album below:


Album: „The Fallen One of Flames“
Release Date: 1992
Label: Independent release, later re-released by a couple of labels as Soulseller Records, Paragon Records и Frost & Fire Records.


2 от 2EN

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