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Underground Kvlt - Following the Dark Arts since 2017

DARKSPACE : „Dark Space -II“

DARKSPACE : „Dark Space -II“
2 от 2EN



Do you sometimes wonder what lies beyond the exosphere and what sights lie in the depths of distant galaxies that our spacecrafts have not yet had a chance to reach?

Ten years after the release of „Dark Space III I“ and several years after the change in their  line-up and the departure of Zorgh, the new transmission of Darkspace is already on the horizon. With the vocals and bass performance of the new astronaut Yhs, who many of us have already been able to hear live during various festivals in the past year, the space conquerors’ fifth full-length album „Dark Space -II“ brings an atmosphere that pushes the boundaries of imagination to new heights and is ready to answer this question.

Like each of the band’s other titles, this is no ordinary music album, but a total transcendental experience that transports the mind to distant galaxies, among cosmic debris and exploding red giants reborn into majestic supernovae. Amidst gas shrouds and starlight dust, the dark triumvirate Darkspace maneuvers through spaces invisible to man in order to unveil realities  that freeze the mind in a stupor in a state of hushed delight…

Conceived as one whole  journey, „Dark Space -II“  leads into its atmosphere with electronic samples and noise, soon followed by space-slicing industrial guitars and forceful bass. The mission sets off, with drones and voiced commands gradually heard in the background, very soon growing into an increasingly loud maelstrom of muffled screams, surrounded by atmospheric and psychedelic black metal elements defying every conventionality of the genre. Cold envelops the senses and the chilling darkness of outer space leads straight to interplanetary oddities that make the skin crawl. The vocals of the three musicians sound amazing, being in some places highly emotionally charged and aggressive, as if belonging to a beast that has just come out of the icy rings of Saturn. The high traditional haunting lo-fi whispering vocals intertwine very beautifully at times with the more aggressive and clear low vocals creating layers of atmosphere and depth accordingly.

Everything, of course, follows the natural course of cosmic balance, and at the end of the album there is a climax like the explosion of a giant, filled with a massive wall of atmospheric sounds and harsh instrumentals, pushing the mind into  dissolution  among the endless cruel and freezing ocean of emtpiness…

Transporting listener’s consciousness beyond Earth’s atmosphere, „Dark Space -II“ is a fascinating celestial odyssey about the mysteries of cosmic dust and the surroinding neverending void. Totally absorbing the mind and seemingly spinning the listener into the center of the Oort Cloud, the music serves as an interplanetary station for those who dare to be a part of the sinister Triumvirate’s hypnotic and haunting journey through forgotten eons and ominous, blood-curdling cosmic beauty.





You can hear some of the samples from the album here:

Album: „Dark Space -II“
Band: Darkspace
Release Date: February 16th, 2024
Label: Season of Mist
Pre-order link:

2 от 2EN

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