Първата медия на Балканите, посветена изцяло на блек метъл жанра
и омагьосващите звуци на балканския и световен ъндърграунд 

Underground Kvlt - Following the Dark Arts since 2017

Q & A (част първа)

Q & A (част първа)
2 от 2EN


Hello, dark creatures.
I’ve decided to create a column where I answer frequently asked questions or just interesting queries I get about The Void Journal.

The question „On what basis do you decide what to post on the site?“ was originally asked  by one of the  first followers here , who has been around since 2017, and then by new faces, so I answer with great pleasure in this article, even though I think it’s pretty clear to most what this is all about.

All materials on the website, no matter what type – articles about new music, news, reviews or any other type of publication – is based on the concept of The Void Journal, which may seem limited to some, but is actually quite extensive.

As an avid music fan who’s been burning with black metal since the 90’s (basically, since the moment our paths crossed), I primarily post about  the albums and the news related to the black metal genre that I’ve discovered and enjoyed myself, music in which I see something special, something above the mediocre. It’s just „my“ genre and I can’t seem to shake this obsession of mine. The situation isn’t from yesterday, and the chances of me to stop enjoying new black metal releases are just as good as me going blond (i.e. zero).

It is only after I return from a „treasure hunt“ that I also review the official press releases I receive, and I don’t feel at all obliged to post everything that is offered as information – I have always preferred quality over quantity in every aspect of my life, so I sift carefully & use what works best for my concept.

Even though to date I receive press releases and official information from dozens of labels and agencies (and sometimes have access to information that no one else in the country has), I rely mostly on my experience as an avid fan and my personal intuition, as it was at the very beginning of the site’s inception – this is one of the „little details“ that make the site so special and actually inspires so many.

The exception to this rule is sometimes news about established bands in the genre.
Some recent albums don’t quite appeal to me , for example, they’re not particularly memorable and I’m unlikely to listen to them more than once, but I publish them out of respect for the musicians and their contribution to the scene – as fans we owe them that, and after all my taste isn’t ultimative , their  work might appeal to someone else, to light their fire and bring them something valuable.

Aside that, you may have noticed that besides black metal, I occasionally post other genres of music on the site. That’s because I don’t like limitations, and when I hear a good album that has a relatable atmosphere and specific compelling unique characteristics that transforms the mind and pushes boundaries, it definitely syncs with what the idea behind the webzine is.

Musicians such as The Lovecraft Sextet , Empyrium, Tenhi and Darkher, for example, are a clear example of what manages to come within reach of The Void Journal and carry the spirit of my concept and vision.
The dark arts are at the core and they exist in many forms…

Every piece of music from the underground scene that carries a specific charge, has a non-commercial and valuable message that manages to touch the delicate strings of listeners and represents a true form of Art and not just another musical product for profit or entertainment,  has its place around and I truly appreciate it & watch over it like a dragon who keeps her golden eggs from harm.


In case you have your own wonderings and want to get some information, feel free to ask your questions in the comments below  or  at email:  [email protected].
I’ll respond in future installments of the column.


P.S. Greetings from the waves. (: Hope you’re having a good time,  too!

2 от 2EN

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11 месеца 🔥

Така се прави, благодаря ти за труда. Истинското тук е важно и радва душата….Поздрави!!!!

11 месеца 🔥

Поздравления за рубриката.
Можеш да напишеш статия и за сатанинските и не само организации в които членуваха,а и съградиха самите Блек Метъл Артисти в началото на
своето пръкване…
А и ти какво мислиш за така наречените култове в които участваха,а някои все още?Като възгледи,позиция,вярвания…
Пепел и Кръв!!!

11 месеца 🔥

На мен ми е интересно, колко хора четат сайта (на месец например) и дали четат българската или английската версия.

Моля, прочетете, преди да коментирате в сайта:
1.Поднасяйте критиката си обосновано и интелигентно.
2. Коментари извън темата на статията - конкретният изпълнител или музиката му, ще бъдат премахвани. Не е коректно спрямо изпълнителите под статиите за тяхната музика да се прави реклама на други изпълнители или да се водят разговори на друга тема.За този тип дискусии можете да използвате имейл адреса на The Void Journal, а скоро може би ще бъде създаден и форум/чат, в който да може всички да общуват свободно без ограничения.
The Void Journal е първата по рода си медия на Балканите - нека поддържаме нивото на нужната висота.