Първата медия на Балканите, посветена изцяло на блек метъл жанра
и омагьосващите звуци на балканския и световен ъндърграунд 

Underground Kvlt - Following the Dark Arts since 2017

Q & A (част трета)

Q & A (част трета)
2 от 2EN


Hello, dark creatures.
Today in the Q & A column I answer  to two of your questions that complement each other.
The first is „How many visitors are in The Void  per month?“.
I understand that some of you find this very interesting (I was curious in the early years too), so I’m attaching a screenshot of the stats directly.

The screenshot shows the result from May 31st to June 30th this year, taken a couple of minutes ago.


Spring and summer are pretty ‘weak’ periods, while late fall and winter has always been quite active.
I’m even surprised that there are now over 8000 people (unique IP addresses) for June, since last year I blocked traffic from several countries, including Russia and some parts of China – there were quite a few hacker attempts  and I decided that  this is  the best measure for the particular situation.

In short – the traffic is very limited, there is also protection against bots, so the numbers are entirely real.
It definitely makes me happy to see that there are a few thousand more people around than before – you’re all welcome.

In addition to this question Hans also asked which version of the website  is more visited, the Bulgarian or the English one. The truth is that the webzine only has a Bulgarian version. Only specific articles are being translated into English – these are usually album reviews (after all, I want musicians and their fans from all countries to be able to understand what I’ve written with adequate translation), interviews and material like this this one.


Here’s where the site has been visited the most in the last 30 days in terms of geographic locations:



And in the last 24 hours:


Thanks for inspiring  me to look at the numbers again. As boring as they are to me, progress from a dozen visitors per month to 8,000+ is quite a long and untrodden way, and is  worth celebrating (which I fully invite you to do with me today, because this plays is YOURS, too, after all).

Have a great weekend, wish you lots of warm gloom, beauty and good music. (:


2 от 2EN

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10 месеца 🔥

Поздравления за Успеха! Една шантава идея имам,а тя е следната… Да издадеш в АДСКИ ЛИМИТИРАН ТИРАЖ някои от статиите от сайта в книга.Книга която освен хронологията в развитието на сайта да има и раздел в който да бъдат публикувани и статии или част от такива които не са намерили място в The Void Journal.Книга която хем да е като алманах на ЖУРНАЛА ДО СЕГА,но в същото време да носи и онзи шепнещо чаровен копнеж който имаше по време на фензиновете… Да е с черна кожена подвързия,ръчна изработка…Номерирана ръчно… Общо взето нещо като Кодекс Гигас…На мрачният,но и в същото време по… Прочети целия коментар »

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